Authors : Sergey Vorontsov, Artur Kravchenko, Alexey Ovchinnikov, Alexander Ponedelkov
Affiliated Organization : Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie)
Type of publication : Academic article
Date of publication : 2020
The potentialities of the new model of anti-corruption approach have been exhausted, the old tools available to law enforcement agencies are no longer able to effectively ensure the fight against corruption. Accordingly, the search for new effective tools within the framework of the indicated paradigm of institutional counteraction to corruption is becoming the key task of the modern Russian state, which is gradually abandoning punitive and repressive mechanisms as the main ways of fighting corruption.
One of such promising tools of smart technologies for combating corruption is the development in the field of artificial intelligence based on neural network technologies (self-learning cognitive systems).
It should be noted that the application of AI technology in the anti-corruption system has certain restrictions, determined by the key principles of the development of AI technology. In particular, the use of AI technologies cannot violate human rights and freedoms; AI technologies must guarantee data security; AI technology developers should ensure transparency of their analytical algorithms and prevent the creation of conditions of competition violation.
The introduction of digital technologies sets the modern state the task of fundamentally changing the ideological foundations of the law enforcement function by the Executive authorities. Such fundamental changes are caused by the need to form a new structure of the high-tech economy, where preventive measures should come to the fore
Another aspect of the use of AI is the formation of information infrastructure of official data that can be used both by AI to expose crimes that have a criminal system and for a preliminary assessment of the conditions for creating an anti-corruption policy within organizations and public authorities. For example, AI technology, combined with the legal obligation to publish relevant information on web resources, allows monitoring anti-corruption documents of both public authorities and private organizations and analyzing the anti-corruption standards presented in them for compliance with current legislation and methodological recommendations.
In implementing the anti-corruption policy through AI technologies, it is also necessary to take into account that the AI technology itself is based on several related technological solutions, the development of which is inextricably linked with the neural network technology itself, including small and big data technology, and blockchain technology.
Automated technologies for processing large amounts of data allow you to work with unstructured network information, identify and classify information that has signs of corruption and corruption risks. The ability to compare a set of data related to specific officials allows you to determine not only violations of the proportion of income and expenditure, making personnel decisions concerning the persons who have family and social ties with the official, but also to identify corruption signs when interpreting legally significant decisions made by the official.
Another aspect of the use of AI is the formation of information infrastructure of official data that can be used both by AI to expose crimes that have a criminal system and for a preliminary assessment of the conditions for creating an anti-corruption policy within organizations and public authorities
In turn, blockchain technology guarantees the immutability of data for any digital actions and acts as a promising basis for the formation of digital document flow in government agencies and state corporations. It allows neural networks to detect trace characteristics of legally significant decisions and transactions that are not deleted, thus increasing the probability of detecting signs of corruption offenses and the provability of corruption acts.
The introduction of AI systems in the anti-corruption process, however, has certain risks that must be taken into account when developing conceptual provisions for the use of high technologies in anti-corruption policies. Thus, the living social fabric of society is largely based on compensatory mechanisms of informal relations, including the corruption component, as an alternative to the ineffective but legal system of distribution of benefits.
Mass communication media can and should perform certain functions to prevent corruption processes, such as informing the population about the ways of existence and functioning of public life without corruption; increasing the degree of openness of state bodies; popularizing favorable experience of anti-corruption policy; participation in various ways in conducting research in the formation of anti-corruption measures and highlighting the positive results of research; promotion of a negative attitude to corruption.
The introduction of digital technologies sets the modern state the task of fundamentally changing the ideological foundations of the law enforcement function by the Executive authorities. Such fundamental changes are caused by the need to form a new structure of the high-tech economy, where preventive measures should come to the fore. It means that the results of neural network analysis should become, first of all, not a punitive tool of the law enforcement system, but a real, previously almost inaccessible, preventive tool for combating corruption.
Digitalization processes that promote systematic control over the adoption of legally significant decisions can be used not only to detect corruption but also, on the contrary, for corrupt control. Digital technologies are only a tool in the implementation of state tasks, but their use is exclusively instrumental. Hence, there is a need not only for legal regulation of the use of technological innovations to ensure justice, but also for technical regulation of the cybersecurity of neural networks, Big data, communications, etc.used by the judicial system.
There are several ways to prevent corruption in the e-justice system: 1. Using technologies for digital recording of all procedural actions in the digital environment using distributed ledger technologies (DLT); 2. Ensuring the security of databases of court documents; 3. Using secure communication channels for conducting trials and interdepartmental exchange of electronic documents; 4. Using cloud technologies for software centralization and bringing information resources to a separate division under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; 5. Limited use of AI technologies in legal decision-making procedures.
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