Publication site : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank
Date of publication : 2020
Type of publication : Report
Problem Statement
The health care system of Cabo Verde operates at a basic level and is challenged by a lack of resources, equipment, and qualified personnel. Standardized procedures for medical first responders are not established, and most personnel are not trained beyond first-aid level. Ambulances are minimally equipped for prehospital health care, and serve essentially as a means of transportation to a medical center or hospital. At the time of the assessment, the island of Brava did not have a single operational ambulance. In case of an emergency with multiple persons injured, the existing medical services would immediately fall short.
The health care system of Cabo Verde operates at a basic level and is challenged by a lack of resources, equipment, and qualified personnel
Water, sanitation, and hygiene are not guaranteed for the entire population on a daily basis. Especially in socially deprived areas, services do not meet the minimum requirements set by the sustainable development goals. Equipment and facilities for the emergency deployment of WASH-related items are not available. Public awareness communication materials are broadly in use and include health-related issues, but social services for affected vulnerable groups are not in place. This part of the population has to rely on initiatives of NGOs, churches, and the goodwill of families and the community at large for support in times of crisis. Equipment and resources to manage mortality during crises are extremely limited, and most islands do not have anything, either in place or on stock.
Emergency Social Services
There is no regulated system for pre-hospital medical care and transportation implemented in Cabo Verde. First responders such as firefighters are often not trained beyond minimal first-aid skills. Furthermore, there is no clearly identified institution accountable for emergency transport and pre-hospital medical care, which leads to emergency transport being carried out where capacities exist, thus on an ad hoc basis.
There is no regulated system for pre-hospital medical care and transportation implemented in Cabo Verde
Some fire brigades have ambulances, but these are mostly either poorly equipped or out of order. Other fire brigades have no ambulances at all. There is neither a consistent pattern or structure implemented, nor a complete overview of capacities in place. The picture is diverse, with ambulances being operated by the fire brigades, the Red Cross National Society, hospitals, or even private companies. The latter are mainly operational on the islands Sal and Boa Vista, where there is a strong tourism sector.
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